Sunday, October 09, 2005

welcome to my rose garden...

Welcome- and come on in, enjoy the flowers, knitting, spinning and talk.
The days are getting shorter now, so time to sit, spin, knit and dye up new yarns as I can.
This past week has been a busy one, I have made a list of projects I want to do this winter. You can all help me to stay on track with them if possible.
I have been busy with some fibers I bought this year at Md Sheep and Wool festival. Ohh are they wonderful to work with.
Dyeing the wool is so much fun - I think I got a bit carried away with it can you tell?
I have so many ideas in my head - but have to keep to my plans .
Oh yes- I have a webstore of some yarns I have done..
Well, I have restarted working on a sweater now,
so I shall be posting its pic soon!
Enjoy the visit!


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